Users can be created with the Cortado MDM or through the API.
Recommended:To authenticate use the api key, obtained as described here, on every request as the authorization header like this: Authorization: Api-Key my_api_key
To execute requests in a user context use the access token, obtained as described here, on the request as the json field token.
All additional request parameters are also added as json fields to the request body. The request content type must be application/json.
Using the Accept-Language request header the response localization can be set. Default is "en" for english, possible other value is "de" for german
Base API URL: https://go.mycortado.com/api/mdm/v2/user
Example Request
POST /api/mdm/v2/user/example HTTP/1.1
Host: go.mycortado.com
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Api-Key my_api_key
... request parameters ...
Example Response
HTTP Status | Description |
200 | Request successfull. The response body will contain optional user data. |
401 | Authentication has failed. The access token was not passed or is invalid. You need to refresh the access token first. |
403 | Action forbidden. For example when a user access token is send in the request that is only usable with an admin access token. |
404 | The requested entity (e.g. user) was not found. A wrong identifier (e.g. usersid) was passed within the request. |
User Fields
The following fields can be returned by the API containing information about the user.
Field | Description |
displayname | the display name of the user |
the email address of the user and logon name | |
enabled | true, if user is enabled. Otherwise, false |
firstname | the firstname of the user |
lastname | the lastname of the user |
managedappleid | the managed Apple ID of the user |
phone | the phone number of the user |
sid | the sid of the user |
User Info
With this request informations about a user can be retrieved by sending the access token. An admin can request the informations of any user by additionally sending the users sid.
When sending an admin access token and no sid parameter the user informations for the admin will be returned. The "enabled" response parameter will always be "false" in this case
User Info Request
POST /api/mdm/v2/user/info HTTP/1.1
Host: go.mycortado.com
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Api-Key my_api_key
The sid parameter is only used if the request is send by an admin. It can be retrieved through the device list request as described here
Field | Description |
sid | Optional sid of the user |
User Info Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"userinfo": {
"displayname": "Firstname Lastname",
"email": "firstname.lastname@domain.com",
"enabled": true,
"firstname": "Firstname",
"lastname": "Lastname",
"managedappleid": "firstname.lastname@appleid.domain.com",
"phone": "123456789",
"sid": "2640ee91-1cbc-4647-85df-a3daff5055e1"
User List
This request can only be used by sending an admin access token.
By sending such a token informations about all users of the admin access tokens tenant can be retrieved.
User List Request
POST /api/mdm/v2/user/list HTTP/1.1
Host: go.mycortado.com
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Api-Key my_api_key
User List Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"errorcode": null,
"errormessage": null,
"success": true,
"tokenstatus": null,
"data": [
"displayname": "displayname",
"email": "local@domain.com",
"enabled": true,
"firstname": "firstname",
"lastname": "lastname",
"managedappleid": null,
"phone": null,
"sid": "ca430b02-af32-4abc-b2d0-135d80dc453f"
"displayname": "displayname",
"email": "local@domain.com",
"enabled": true,
"firstname": "firstname",
"lastname": "lastname",
"managedappleid": null,
"phone": null,
"sid": "e1dc1bd8-674d-4542-91ac-cdad451b2535"
"pagecount": 1,
"pageindex": 1,
"totalcount": 2
User Create
This request can only be used by sending an admin access token.
By sending such a token a user can be created in the admin access tokens tenant.
When the user creation succeeded, but a non essential subtask failed informations about this can be found in the response parameter warningmessage.
Possible subtask failures are for example when sending the onboarding email fails or assigning the user to the configured (and existing) group template fails.
User Create Request
POST /api/mdm/v2/user/create HTTP/1.1
Host: go.mycortado.com
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Api-Key my_api_key
"email": "local@domain.com",
"emailculture": "en-US",
"sendemail": false,
"lastname": "Last",
"firstname": "First",
"grouptemplateid": 2,
"password": "secret"
Field | Description |
The email of the new user | |
emailculture | Optional email language for the new user. Valid values are de-DE or en-US. Default is de-DE |
sendemail | Optional boolean value. If this is true an onboarding email will be send to the new user during the creation process. Default is true |
lastname | Optional last name of the new user |
firstname | Optional first name of the new user |
grouptemplateid | Optional group id of the new user. By default the default user group will be used |
password | Optional password of the new user |
User Create Success Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"errorcode": null,
"errormessage": null,
"success": true,
"tokenstatus": null,
"data": {
"sid": "9b0599df-3d80-4b47-bdb4-a29f51878419",
"warningmessage": null
User Create Success Response (subtask failed)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"errorcode": null,
"errormessage": null,
"success": true,
"tokenstatus": null,
"data": {
"sid": "2f8f19b0-ab76-407a-a58d-6a1e2ae5b798",
"warningmessage": "A warning message"
User Change Password
With this request the password of a user can be changed. This request is only available for MTC(Cloud) installations
User Change Password Request
POST /api/mdm/v2/user/changepassword HTTP/1.1
Host: go.mycortado.com
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Api-Key my_api_key
"confirmnewpassword": "{new password}",
"newpassword": "{new password}",
"oldpassword": "{old password}"
Field | Description |
confirmnewpassword | The confirmation of the new password |
newpassword | The new password |
oldpassword | The current password |
User Change Password Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"errorcode": null,
"errormessage": null,
"success": true,
"tokenstatus": null
User Forgot Password
This request will trigger the forgot password email. It is only available for MTC(Cloud) installations
The email will contain a link to reset the password which also contains a reset password token which has to be used in the follow-up request to get the user rest password info or to reset the password
User Forgot Password Request
POST /api/mdm/v2/user/forgotpassword HTTP/1.1
Host: go.mycortado.com
Content-Type: application/json
"emailaddress": "{email address}",
"usertype": "{user type}"
Valid user types are: user, admin
Field | Description |
emailaddress | The email address of the user |
usertype | The user type (user or admin) |
User Forgot Password Response
The response will always be successful, only because of infrastructural problems (network, database etc.) an error code will be returned
If the user exists an email, with the necessary informations, will get send to the user.
User Reset Password
With this request the password of a user can be reset. It is only available for MTC(Cloud) installations
It will trigger a confirmation email or an instruction email about enrolling a new device (if the optional parameter join was send with the value true)
User Reset Password Request
POST /api/mdm/v2/user/resetpassword HTTP/1.1
Host: go.mycortado.com
Content-Type: application/json
"token": "{reset password token}",
"confirmnewpassword": "{new password}",
"newpassword": "{new password}",
"join": "true"
Reset password token - This token is part of the forgot password email that is send to a user through the forgot password request.
Field | Description |
confirmnewpassword | The confirmation of the new password |
newpassword | The new password |
join | Optional boolean value. If this is true an email about enrolling a new device will be send to the customer after the successful password reset instead of a confirmation email that the password was successfully changed |
User Reset Password Success Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"errorcode": null,
"errormessage": null,
"success": true,
"tokenstatus": null
User Reset Password Info
With this request informations about a reset password token, like the display name of the user, can be retrieved. These informations will be in the response section userresetpasswordinfo. It is only available for MTC(Cloud) installations
User Reset Password Info Request
POST /api/mdm/v2/user/resetpasswordinfo HTTP/1.1
Host: go.mycortado.com
Content-Type: application/json
"token": "{reset password token}"
Reset password token - This token is part of the forgot password email that is send to a user through the forgot password request.
User Reset Password Info Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"errorcode": null,
"errormessage": null,
"success": true,
"tokenstatus": null,
"userresetpasswordinfo": {
"displayname": "..."
User MDM Profile
With this request a users mdm profile can be downloaded. This request is only avilable for users, not admins, and the response will be a file stream
When using Apple BYOD make sure that the user has a Managed Apple ID through the user info request first.
User MDM Profile Request
User MDM Profile Request for Apple iOS/iPadOS BYOD with html response
POST /api/mdm/v2/user/mdmprofile HTTP/1.1
Host: go.mycortado.com
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Api-Key my_api_key
"mdmtype": "apple",
"byod": "true",
"html": "true"
User MDM Profile Request for Apple macOS BYOD
POST /api/mdm/v2/user/mdmprofile HTTP/1.1
Host: go.mycortado.com
Content-Type: application/json
"mdmtype": "apple",
"mac": "true",
"byod": "true",
"token": "{access token}"
User MDM Profile Request for Android
POST /api/mdm/v2/user/mdmprofile HTTP/1.1
Host: go.mycortado.com
Content-Type: application/json
"mdmtype": "android",
"token": "{access token}"
This request is also available as a GET request. Just pass the json as a query parameter in this case. (url encoding of the parameter might be necessary)
To show a web page use "html" with "true".
Field | Description |
mdmtype | The mdmtype. Valid values are "android" or "apple" |
byod | Optional boolean parameter. Set to true if a mdm profile for a byod device is requested |
mac | Optional boolean parameter. Set to true if a mdm profile for a mac device is requested |
html | Optional boolean parameter. Set to true if a response html page should be returned |
User MDM Profile Response
File stream
User Delete
This request can only be used by sending an admin access token.
By sending such a token a user can be deleted from the admin access tokens tenant.
Deleting a user that has devices, without removing the MDM from the devices before, can make the devices useless (bricked).
User Delete Request
POST /api/mdm/v2/user/delete HTTP/1.1
Host: go.mycortado.com
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Api-Key my_api_key
"sid": "{sid}"
The sid can be obtained through the user list request
Field | Description |
sid | The sid of the user to delete |
User Delete Success Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"errorcode": null,
"errormessage": null,
"success": true,
"tokenstatus": null